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Interested in getting involved with a production, operations, a reading, or Front of House? We’re always looking for help! Email 

Submit Headshots & Resumes

If you are a theatre artist hoping to be considered for future 21ten projects, send us your headshot and resumé! Email

Submit Scripts

Interested in having your original work considered for our Sunday Reading Series? Email your script to

Volunteer for Front of House!

We love to involve our community in volunteering for Front of House for our productions. There are two positions we need filled for every show: Box Office and Concessions.


BOX OFFICE: The box office volunteer will welcome guests to the theatre and sell tickets at the door.


CONCESSIONS: The concessions volunteer will sell food and drinks at the concessions station.

You can sign up to volunteer, and ask any questions, by emailing As a thank you, all volunteers receive a complimentary ticket to the performance they are helping out with.

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